Top 2% (31/2431) solution write-up. Steel is one of the most important building materials of modern times. Steel buildings are resistant to natural and man-made wear which has made the material ubiquitous around the world. To help make production of steel more efficient, this competition will help identify defects.

Can you detect and classify defects in steel? Segmentation in Pytorch

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Team - [] stainless

  • Insaf Ashrapov
  • Igor Krashenyi
  • Pavel Pleskov
  • Anton Zakharenkov
  • Nikolai Popov

Models We tried almost every type of model from qubvel`s segmentation model library - unet, fpn, pspnet with different encoders from resnet to senet152. FPN with se-resnext50 outperformed other models. Lighter models like resnet34 performed aren’t well enough but were useful in the final blend. Se-resnext101 possibly could perform much better with more time training, but we didn’t test that.

Augmentations and Preprocessing From Albumentations library: Hflip, VFlip, RandomBrightnessContrast – training speed was not to fast so these basic augmentations performed well enough. In addition, we used big crops for training or/and finetuning on the full image size, because attention blocks in image tasks rely on the same input size for the training and inference phase.


  • We used both pure pytorch and Catalyst framework for training.
  • Losses: bce and bce with dice performed quite well, but lovasz loss dramatically outperformed them in terms of validation and public score. However, combining with classification model bce with dice gave a better result, that could be because Lovasz helped the model to filter out false-positive masks. Focal loss performed quite poor due to not very good labeling.
  • Optimizer: Adam with RAdam. LookAHead, Over900 didn’t work well to use.
  • Crops with a mask, BalanceClassSampler with upsampler mode from catalyst significantly increased training speed.

  • We tried own classification model (resnet34 with CBAM) by setting the goal to improve f1 for each class. The optimal threshold was disappointingly unstable but we reached averaged f1 95.1+. As a result, Cheng`s classification was used.

  • Validation: kfold with 10 folds. Despite the shake-up – local, public and private correlated surprisingly good.

  • Pseudolabing; We did two rounds of pseudo labeling by training on the best public submit and validating on the out of fold. It didn’t work for the third time but gave us a huge improvement.

  • Postprocessing: filling holes, removing the small mask by the threshold. We tried to remove small objects by connected components with no improvements.

  • Hardware: bunch of nvidia cards

Ensembling Simple segmentation models averaging with different encoders, both FPN and Unet applied to images classified having a mask. One of the unchosen submit could give as 16th place.